"One of the biggest business benefits we've realized in working with Tech Experts is near constant uptime," Doug continued. "Any time we have a repair or upgrade, the technicians make sure we stay up and running. Tech Experts understands we can't have downtime."
Doug Hassett, Hassett Title Company
"We needed a way to streamline our customer service practices," commented Tim. "Tech Experts showed us a dual monitor system that lets our employees look up information faster."
Timothy Wittman, Leski Wittman Insurance Agency
"The support agreement we have gives me peace of mind, knowing they'll be here right away when I need them," said Sue. "It's so nice that my entire network is handled so I can focus on running the business."
Sue Brey, Complete Packaging
"I knew we needed new computers badly and had been searching for ways to accomplish purchasing them," said Connie Carroll. "We were able to secure a grant, and with that and the help of Tech Experts, we were able to upgrade our technology."
Connie Carroll, United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties
Survey says...
After our service tickets are completed, surveys go out to gauge client satisfaction. Here are some results: