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Fin: A Remote Control Bluetooth Ring

finBluetooth has come a long way since it hit the market years ago; now, with an innovation called Fin, you can control your devices with your thumb.

How does Fin work? You simply wear the ring on your thumb and your thumb controls the virtual “smart surface” on your palm. Each of your fingers act like a Hot Key. For example, your index finger can mute your phone or your ring finger can open your Facebook app. Fin can be linked with up to three different devices via Bluetooth and you can control a range of compatible devices from your mobile phone to your Smart TV… or even your car.

Recent developments of Fin have custom notifications. With the companion Android or iOS app, you can setup up to three priority callers for whose calls will buzz the ring. Other secondary notification features include LEDs to set custom reminder nudges such as to take medication or take some time out to relax.

Fin has already been put through testing and it can help the visually impaired to interactive with technology. This video shows just how it can help. Fin is waterproof and its battery can last for up to 1 week on one charge.

For more information, you can view their project page here.

(Image Source: iCLIPART)