In previous blogs, we've explained how Windows 10 updates work. Typically, there are two feature updates, one in the Spring and one in the Fall with minor patch updates in-between. The feature updates are the big ones that introduce new features or changes to the operating system.
On June 16th, Microsoft announced the next feature update…
Windows 10: The Good, The Bad, & The Better
Microsoft has really pushed Windows 10 to the forefront and continue to make regular quality of life changes. New features are frequent and - solely from a user perspective - a pretty positive experience. From an IT point of view, Windows 10 has been one headache…
Don't Click "Check For Updates"
As Microsoft revealed, only people who clicked “Check for Updates” got bitten by Windows 10’s recent file deletion bug. When you click the “Check for Updates” button, Microsoft gives you updates early, skipping a normal part of the testing process.
Don’t take our word for it. Here’s how Microsoft defended its performance after…