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How Private Is Your Internet Browsing

Many people realize nowadays that being on the internet is a very public place. Most people however do not know just how public it is. The fact is that if you like many others on the Internet do not take steps to make yourself less exposed on the Internet, it is very easy for someone with a little bit of knowledge to see what you’re doing online, where you’re at, and in some cases who you are. While your everyday Joe does not possess this knowledge there are many people out there that either know how to find this information out, or know someone that does. At any rate it is a good practice to make this information as difficult to come by as possible.

The first major step in the right direction is, if you use Internet Explorer, make sure to set your browser to delete all after each browsing session. Yes, delete your history, cookies, passwords, page form data, etc….I know it is really convenient to have all this available at the click of your mouse but with that convenience comes risk.

The next step, use the “In-Private” browsing function. This function is designed to make your browsing more private…

The third step, if you really need to be private, use a proxy to browse the web. While you need to be careful and know that the server you are using to browse through is legitimate, with the proper configuration it becomes more difficult to track back your browsing to you specifically.

The last step you can take is to use a program like Tor. Tor allows you to use encrypted connections to make your browsing more secure. Tor also offers the proxy service talked about above.

All in all it is very important that you protect your online activities. Not only to protect you from the onslaught of advertisements you can get from browsers using your cookies, but, also to keep you protected from privacy invasion and the possibility of identity theft.

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