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Sneak-Preview of Toyota’s Self-Drive Car

Toyota has demonstrated the self-drive car, which as of now does not look complete but more of a demonstration of the capabilities. On-board they have radar and cameras that monitor the road and driver at all times. The car can also communicate with other vehicles according to Toyota spokesman.

They are looking at eliminating crashes and they say that “zero-collisions is our ultimate aim.” They have a video of a Lexus fitted with their “Intelligent Transport System” (ITS) technology.

The prototype uses ITS and existing Toyota technology to monitor whether the drivers is awake, to keep the car on the road and to stop for traffic lights.

Fortunately Toyota is not the only manufacturer working this technology. In fact Audi has demonstrated their self-parking car. Google has already filed for an autonomous car patent and a Nevada drivers license for the car. They have had great success with their car.