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Who Manages Your Most Valuable Asset?

Who manages your most valuable asset? Seems like a silly Question doesn’t it? With the amount of time it takes to learn to properly manage your workstations or servers wouldn’t it be great to have a full time employee looking after your computer systems for a fraction of the cost? It amazes me the number of people and business that go without computer support and just their computers root until they wind up costing them hundreds of dollars to fix (Not to mention all the possible lost data). You see when computers and servers are not properly maintained they tend to degrade in performance over time, eventually becoming very slow and can also become a very large security risk.

We offer a solution to this problem that, like I said, is very cheap in comparison to the time it takes to completely rebuild your computer system after it has degraded to an unusable state. We actually offer several solutions to protect your data from offsite backup to managed services. I will be touching on the later or the two in this blog.

Managed service gives you the ability to sit back, relax, and let us take care of the management component of your computer system. With managed services we install what’s called an agent on your machine. From this agent we are able to remotely manage many aspects of your computer or server keeping it up to date which makes it more secure and in turn helps to protect your data. Through managed services we can take care of your Windows Updates and Security Patches as well as setup individual jobs to help clear your computer of junk files and other unwanted files. By us doing these tasks on a nightly basis it will ensure that your computer will run great for years to come. Our managed services also give us the ability to remotely login to your computer and manage almost everything that could be done in person via a remote connection.

The above listed benefits of managed services do not even begin to scratch the surface in regards to the functionality that can be implemented via our Managed Services platform but give some insight as to the importance of regular maintenance and the value of this product. If you were to have any interest or would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact us soon!