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Google Will Not Budge on Piracy

Google the search engine giant has had a lot of requests to exclude and “piracy sites” from the results. Google has been hit with over 30 million requests to take down URL’s that contain copyrighted content from British Recorded Music Industry (BPI). Google denies many of these requests because BPI is mostly Spamming Google to get results. Recently BPI has motioned to take down The Pirate Bay’s home page.

It is no secret that The Pirate Bay has links to hundreds of thousands if not millions of copyrighted content. However the home page is not one of them. BPI sent in the request to take down due to infringing on the rights of “The Music” in this request they had 2,056 URL’s in this request. All URL’s other than were removed from Google as you can see below.


This is not the first time that The Pirate Bay has been under attack. Google receives thousands of requests each year to take down the homepage of The Pirate Bay, and the only time it was successful was four years ago. Remove Your Content sent in a request to take down the homepage, and it was. Google quickly reinstated The Pirate Bay to the search results. Remove Your Content announced that they did not actually send the request it was down by an impersonator.

It is not known for BPI’s case whether or not the submission on was intentional or not.