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Major Update In Yahoo Mail – Faster Is More Fun

For the past 7 months Yahoo has been busy working hard on improving the way their e-mailing services are setup claiming to be two times faster than before. Email messages and attachments come and go at high speed so no more waiting 10+ minutes to send/receive email.  With the latest new and improved spam protection Yahoo Mail on average blocks more than 15 billion spam messages daily. For anyone who receives a lot of spam, this is good news!  Yahoo Mail also now enables its users the ability to send and view videos and slideshow pictures right in your inbox via Flickr, Picasa, and YouTube. So no more will you have to click a link with the worry of mistakenly clicking on an infected website link. A huge improvement I feel is the ability to now check your email from any mobile device with web capabilities. Before users could not check their email without third party software, but now it is made possible and easy! Also you can quickly reply to your Facebook notifications and email as well which I believe is really cool.